martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Blackest Night

Descenderán a nuestros mundos a reclamar aquellos que amabamos y que hemos perdido. Tendran hambre enterna por aquellos que aun sienten y viven. Y si el universo ha de sobrevivir. La voluntad y el miedo deberan unirse porque a través del universo, los muertos se levantarán.

Agent Orange (Prelude to Blackest Night)

Green Lantern #39
Green Lantern #40
Green Lantern #41
Green Lantern #42

Emerald Eclipse (Prelude to Blackest Night)

Green Lantern Corps #33
Green Lantern Corps #34
Green Lantern Corps #35
Green Lantern Corps #36
Green Lantern Corps #37
Green Lantern Corps #38

Blackest Night #00


Titans #15
Green Lantern #43
Blackest Night #01
Blackest Night: Tales of The Corps #01
Blackest Night: Tales of The Corps #02
Blackest Night: Tales of The Corps #03
Green Lantern #44


Blackest Night #02
Green Lantern #45
Green Lantern Corps #39
Blackest Night: Batman #01
Blackest Night: Superman #01
Blackest Night: Titans #01


Blackest Night #03
Green Lantern #46
Green Lantern Corps #40
Blackest Night: Batman #02
Blackest Night: Superman #02
Blackest Night: Titans #02


Blackest Night #04
Green Lantern #47
Green Lantern Corps #41
Blackest Night: Batman #03
Blackest Night: Superman #03
Blackest Night: Titans #03


Blackest Night #05
Green Lantern #48
Green Lantern Corps #42
Justice League of America #39
Superman/Batman #66
Doom Patrol #04
Booster Gold #26
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10
Teen Titans #77
Adventure Comics #04
Outsiders #24


Blackest Night #06
Green Lantern #49
Green Lantern Corps #43
Blackest Night: The Flash #01 of 03
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #01 (of 03)
Blackest Night: JSA #01 of 03
Justice League of America #40
Superman/Batman #67
Doom Patrol #05
Booster Gold #27
R.E.B.E.L.S. #11
Teen Titans #78
Adventure Comics #05
Outsiders #25

Green Lantern #50
Green Lantern Corps #44
Blackest Night: Flash #02 (of 03)
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #02 (of 03)
Blackest Night: JSA #02 (of 03)
The Atom and Hawkman #46
The Phantom Stranger #42
Starman #81
Power of Shazam #48
Catwoman #83
Weird Western Tales #71
Suicide Squad #67
Secret Six #17


Blackest Night #07
Green Lantern #51
Green Lantern Corps #45
Blackest Night: Flash #03 (of 03)
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #03
Blackest Night: JSA #03 (of 03)
Black Lantern Green Arrow #30
Adventure Comics starring Black Lantern Superboy #07
Secret Six #18


Blackest Night #08
Green Lantern #52
Green Lantern Corps #46

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